Saturday, December 4, 2010


Due to some not so great experiences with Blogger/Google I have moved my blog to Tumblr.

Please continue to follow me at my new address :

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chocolate chip cookies win everytime

So my choice of activities tonight were study for my exam next week or bake cookies!!  Obviously the chocolate chip cookies won.... and my textbook sits there.... neglected.....

But look at the cookies!!! I mean seriously, how can you resist?  Too warm to taste yet though...

I think this one is my favourite! Good size ... good shape... and just the right amount of chocolate chips.
I think I am going to have to start studying soon though.... Fortunately my baking supplies have diminished now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bananas gone wild

I think this happens everytime I buy bananas.  I buy a bunch of 5 greeny/yellow bananas, determined that I am going to take one to work everyday for a week.  Sounds pretty perfect right? 5 bananas, 5 days... sounds good in theory.  The only trick that I always forget is actually bringing them to work. I often forget to do this by Wednesday.  Then I am out of my routine so the bananas just sit there, and slowly develop leopard spots all over them!

The spots slowly spread until you are no longer able to connect the dots yourself because they have already blended together.  So what do you do with these bananas now?

Make banana bread of course!! Tonight I was a little limited in my baking supplies, so I searched around the internet for a nice simple banana bread recipe & found this one :

So I mixed it all up - one of my fav things today & threw it in the oven! Smells yummy already!!

After baking for an hour the aroma of this amazing bread has filled my house and smells remarkable!!!!
A couple slices later & I am in heaven!